Our Stories

I met the love of my life here!

hello =) I wanted to thank you tremendously for this website... I met the love of my life here... I found the greatest happiness here. Thank you and good luck :) izUnia318

On PolishHearts straight from Swatka.pl

Hello, I saw the polishhearts banner on the dating portal swatka and as I live and work in Scotland, I registered immediately. I was surprised by the interest from gentlemen, and the best part now: I found my love and quickly because I met Marek in just 2 weeks. That's why I am writing to say thank you! I didn't know that online dating would finally allow me to find my other half of the heart to create a whole:) Keep it up! I hope that thanks to these internet dates, many lonely people will meet and create successful relationships! Greetings, Mirka!

Thanks to Polish Hearts I came across Swatka.pl

Hello! Thanks to Polish Hearts, I found the dating portal Swatka.pl, where I found the love of my life: Paweł. I finally found the happiness that I was looking for for so long on other websites and more, even though I am a very busy person. It was nice dating with you, but now I am planning to delete my account and dedicate myself to life in a relationship!! Farewell single life!!! Thank you once again! Joanna

Polish dating works all over the world! I recommend it to the entire Polish community!

Late but beautiful.....really. Thank you to your portal "swatka.pl", you truly and wonderfully matched us, I say it's a "divine intervention" :) Sorry, but we are deleting our accounts and hopefully there will be more such successful matches :))

Dates in Poland

Here is a list from a user who found love on two dating portals, one of which was PolskieSerca.pl. Fortunately, the person they found on both portals was the same person. Warm greetings, For some time now, I have been feeling lonely so I decided to make a change. I found your portal and went on a few dates with a certain girl. Then the contact was lost. After some time, I visited other online dating sites and it turned out that this girl was also registered there. I came back to Polskie Serca and found her, somehow I felt that I would lose something by cutting off contact with her definitively. We started dating on Swatka and this time I felt that something surprising happened on both sides. The events I am describing happened quite a while ago. Thanks to PolskieSerca.pl and Swatka (where I saw my love - yes!! - we are getting married in June!!), I did not give up my chance for happiness, for which I sincerely thank you! Best regards, Michał