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Nowoczesny Serwis Randkowy


Wiek:37 lat
Znak zodiaku:Bliźnięta
Stan cywilny:kawaler
Zawód:specjalista ds. marketingu
Lokalizacja:Poland, Łódzkie, Łódź
O mnie:Good day or night) My name is Roman. I'm Ukrainian. 31 years old. 188sm tall. Live in LÓDŹ, but soon going to relocate to WARSZAWA. Several words about my personality : intelligent , calm, kind , openminded; honest & responsible ,romantic, positive thinking person. Never been married, no kids. I think the time has come to build shiny and loving family to share my life with, because at last i have such a feeling and life experience to make it possible.
I'm such a self-critical person who is always analyze the situation ,doing and saying right things. Sometimes i can make a mistakes but its very rare when i can do it. Anyway i will immediately say ,like" I am Sorry. I wasn't right.. Forgive me"
Before i've been living in Japan. So i have very big connection with the "Country of the rising sun " and of course i speak Japanese.
Kolor włosów:brązowe
Kolor oczu:brązowy
Stosunek do palenia:nie palę
Alkohol:piję okazyjnie
Dzieci:nie mam ale chcę mieć
Języki, w których mogę się porozumiewać: angielski, rosyjski, inne
Czego szukasz?: małżeństwa, poważnego związku
Moja religia to: Chrześcijaństwo
Looking for a kind, CALM, romantic lady, who is better prefer to walk under the moon taking my hand, having a wonderful communication, visiting cinema or theatre, or restaurant ,THAN the one who is always running somewhere because she is such an extremely lively type of woman, wich cannot stay at one place.
Architecture , foreign languages , music , singing , drawing , writing poems , traveling , teaching...