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Wiek:43 lat
Znak zodiaku:Skorpion
Stan cywilny:panna
Lokalizacja:Poland, Łódzkie, Łódź
O mnie: Wszystko co warzne istnieje w wymiarze temporalnym, tak? wiedza o zyciu czasami psuje mi smak.Mam wiele emocji...
Bog mi swiadkiem ze nawet prawo Ohma nie zlamie mego oporu,Jestem jak Koran,nawet gdy ktos sie bawi moim swiatem jak Rembrandt,powtarzam wciaz jak mantre Nie przegram. postrzegam rzeczywistosc umyslem,sercem stanu.

I do know everything is happening like spontaneous moment and only than we will know if our life was made for us...
..well, I know how to enjoy life. The in's and outs. The small treasures. A good steak. The way a carnival sounds at night. Ice cold grape cool aid. Hardwood floors. The smell of saw dust. Burying my hands slowly into hot beach sand. The smell of fall. Taking naps outside on Sundays in the summer. Sailing alone so far on the lake that there is only water all around...
Kolor włosów:czarne
Kolor oczu:brązowy
Stosunek do palenia:palę
Alkohol:piję okazyjnie
Dzieci:nie mam dzieci
Języki, w których mogę się porozumiewać: polski, angielski, norweski, rosyjski
Czego szukasz?: poważnego związku
Moja religia to: inna
As for me...who am I looking for? I guess to put it simply, someone I just seem to click with. When I?m with him..I don?t feel alone. We laugh at the same things and are excited when the other one comes home at the end of the day. Ultimately, I'm looking for the man that when the music has stopped...we are still dancing :)
travelling long unknown places, diving, sikling,ice skating, 3dsmax design and animation, drowing, reading, writing, movies...
Anyway, I'm big into outdoors as I hope you can tell from my pics. Just spending time on sailboat is one of the most relaxing things I've experienced. It seems simple, but I feel so fortunate to have found a release in life that makes me feel like I was made to do it.There is mach more to write....but not everything at onece....!!!