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Nowoczesny Serwis Randkowy


Wiek:43 lat
Znak zodiaku:Lew
Stan cywilny:panna
Lokalizacja:Poland, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Iławski, Kisielice
O mnie:Help me to spend my warmth, tenderness and caress of my soul. Let us make a path of light that will bring a new meaning to your life and mine. It will fill our lives of radiance of warmth, love, calm and good. Only the mature woman can so love, as last time. I want to begin a new page of my life. I know price of love and real feelings and relations between people. I have a lot of tenderness and love in my heart and I'm ready to give it to my lovely man. I neither look nor feel my age. I’m in a nice physical state. I like animals. Like traveling. I have a favorite dog and cats at my home. I like flowers very much. I have so many flowers at my home.
Kolor włosów:ciemny blond
Kolor oczu:niebieski
Stosunek do palenia:nie palę
Alkohol:nie piję wcale
Dzieci:nie mam ale chcę mieć
I would like to meet someone who can be honest, who knows how to take care of a woman, love her, treat her, who wants to have a strong marriage and a baby. I prefer strong men, who know what they want from life, who wants to stay with one woman and be honest with her. I would like to have an open relationship and if we do not like something in each other to speak about it, it's nice to be lovers but also good friends and to trust each other, if you do something wrong, it's better to say so openly. Well, if you are like my profile and feel that it is you, then I am waiting for your letter.
My dream is to become self-fulfilling and to have a child. Way of life: The motto of my life Favourite drink: coffee Favourite meal: fruit Favourite kind of rest: walks, reading of books Favourite color: blue, sandy Favourite season, weather: autumn and spring The attitude to domestic animals: I adore cats Do you like to cook? yes Preferences in the literature: classics Preferences in the cinema: I like comedies Preferences in music, painting: no It is very interesting for me to correspond through the Internet.