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Nowoczesny Serwis Randkowy


Wiek:43 lat
Znak zodiaku:Bliźnięta
Stan cywilny:rozwiedziony
Lokalizacja:Poland, Wielkopolskie, Gnieźnieński, Fałkowo
O mnie:Hello, I am recently retired from overseas contracting. I have spent a long holiday already in Germany, and in Lviv Ukraine. I plan now to live in Poland before the summer ends. This visit will be a much longer stay, and I truly hope it will lead to love. I love Poland, I worked with Polish soldiers in the past. I learned, there is great economic possibilities in the land, in the culture, society. It is a beautiful large Country worth serious respect. And the cost to live is still reasonable? Poland is the dream place on earth.

I still am thinking which city to live in. I thought maybe love would determine that choice. But it is unlikely to find love on the internet. For now, I will spend a few weeks touring, then decide on my favorite city. Unless, again, if love finds me first :)
Kolor włosów:czarne
Kolor oczu:brązowy
Stosunek do palenia:nie palę
Alkohol:lubię pić
Dzieci:nie mam ale chcę mieć
Języki, w których mogę się porozumiewać: angielski
Czego szukasz?: przyjaźni, małżeństwa, poważnego związku
Moja religia to: Chrześcijaństwo
I really look for the lady that has some of what I feel inside my heart. The desire and dream to find a life partner to travel with, to explore together. And always making steps forward to improve the depth and serious level of our relationship. A slow and steady progress to building a family.

To say I like a lady that will drink with me, travel, party? That is not true. It is good to do in the first few months? Or the first year. But what I seek is much more important than the short term 1 year desire. It goes into a life of partnership.
Kayaking, camping, hiking, driving, travel, beaches, city touring, business, industry, gardening, cooking, WINE! Love the wine :)